DIY Vapour Rub


So I asked all of you what recipe you’d like to see first, and I think we decided on vapour rub? Fitting, since it is sickie season! This recipe is pretty darn easy, too. Eucalyptus and peppermint are powerful congestion busters! And I would like to think it is safer than Vicks (not to mention not using petroleum based products).

Because of the involvement of essential oils, it makes it tricky for me to do this one in ‘parts’. So unfortunately we are doing it with exact ratios today! It seemed to me like I had to use a ridiculous amount of essential oil to get that strong vapor rub sent – I am wondering if my eucalyptus oil is maybe getting a little old. Please let me know if this turns out to be too strong for you!

You will need to melt, in a double boiler on medium-low heat –

4 tsp coconut oil
1 tsp beeswax

Remove from heat, wait to cool for about 3 minutes, and add

20 drops eucalyptus essential oil
10 drops peppermint essential oil

Stir thoroughly, pour into desired container and refrigerate immediately. Should be good to remove in about 5-10 minutes. Finished product will be relatively the consistency of petroleum jelly or so.

If you find the scent to be too mild, you can always add more. Don’t go too crazy though as essential oils at too high a concentration can irritate the skin. The scent may also fade over time, in which case go ahead and add more again.

CAUTIONS: I would not recommend using this for kids under two. There have been cautions surrounding using peppermint oil in infants and very young children. Rub on the CHEST and FEET, not on the face. You don’t want to overwhelm your child with a powerful essential oil right by their nose. Feel free to try it by your own nose, but don’t subject your kids to that, please!!

Let me know how this works for you!